Bachelor's programs
All study programs are accredited!
The Government Decision no. 158/2018 with regards to the approval of the List of fields and specializations / university study programs and of the structure of higher education institutions for the academic year 2018-2019.
The Rector of the Ecological University of Bucharest, Prof. Giuliano TEVI PhD, hereby declares that the schooling figure approved by the ARACIS, following the evaluation and published in the Official Gazette of Romania, was respected.
Faculty of Law
- Law field; study program: Law
Faculty of Financial Management
- Finance field; study program: Finance and Banking
Faculty of Managerial Engineering
- Engineering and Management field; study program: Industrial economic engineering
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
- Physical education and sport field; study program: Physical and sports education
- Physiotherapy field; study program: Physiotherapy and special motricity
Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection
- " Environmental sciences field; study program: Ecology and environmental protection
Faculty of Psychology
- Psychology field; study program: Psychology
Faculty of Communication Sciences
- " Communication Sciences field; study program: Communication and public relations