Postgraduate training and continuing professional development programmes
Beginning with the academic year 2012-2013, the Ecological University of Bucharest, based on the National Education Law no. 1/2011 and the Order of the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports no. 3163/01.02.2012, organizes postgraduate training and continuing professional development program.
The postgraduate training and continuing professional development programs are organized in close connection to the dynamics of the labor market, in order to enable students to acquire certain competences which the Ecological University of Bucharest is capable to offer to the applicants. Through the postgraduate continuous training program, those who complete their undergraduate studies, are offered a variety of specializations, enhancing their possibilities for improvement and social integration.
The postgraduate training and continuing professional development programs aim at updating, developing and refining competencies of university qualification across one or more occupational standards related to an occupation which can only be practiced by a higher education graduate.
The Ecological University of Bucharest organizes and carries out the following postgraduate training and continuing professional development programs, with the Ministry's approval 2012-2013 si 2013-2014:
1.Faculty of Law:
- Labor and social security law;
- Human resources management;
- National and European legislation on public procurement;
- Regional and international relations;
- Regulations included in the civil and criminal codifications in force;
- Alternative ways of settling disputes;
- Environmental protection in accordance to national and European environmental legislation.
2.Faculty of Financial Management:
- Financial statistics;
- Financial forecasting;
- Financial markets;
- Financing environmental affairs;
- Financial management;
- Company tax and accounting;
- Finance and financial policies;
- Funding and project management;
- Financial analysis;
- Funding social protection and labor market insertion.
3.Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection:
- Management of "Natura 2000" sites;
- Research methodology in environmental protection;
- Methods of investigation of the quality of environmental factors.
4.Faculty of Communication Sciences:
- Communication and public relations in business;
- Designing and conducting public relations campaigns;
- Relations and communication of PR specialists with the media;
- Sports media (together with the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport).
5.Faculty of Managerial Engineering:
- Engineering and management of renewable energy sources;
- Engineering and management of the use of electronics and informatics in telecommunication services.
6.Faculty of Physical Education and Sports:
- Prophylactic and recovery gymnastics;
- Improving motor skills in people with disabilities;
- Physical trainer;
- Sports media (together with the Faculty of Communication Sciences).
7.Faculty of Psychology:
- School educational counseling;
- Vocational counseling in school.