Message from the President of the University
(Jose Ortega y Gasset - Mission of the university)
The Ecological University of Bucharest occupies a special, well-defined place in the current Romanian academic landscape. This is not only the first private university in Romania, founded on the 4th of April 1990, with a tradition dating back to 1865, but also the only higher education institution in the country that makes a priority out of offering a complementary ecological education, within the traditional professions.
Thus, a specialist in a certain field, receives in the amphitheaters of the 'Alma Mater' a series of important information regarding environmental safeguarding, respect for nature and its preservation, from the viewpoint of their future endeavors.
It is a mission that adds to the Romanian higher education system, an indispensable component to its modernization, as well as full and swift connection to the Western civilization.
The Christian vocation, as well as the Latin origin of the language, in addition to love for nature, which is now converted into modern ecology, represent the pillars of the indisputable affiliation of Romania to Europe. Through this, the Ecological University becomes a door wide open to the West.
The results so far are eloquent: approximately 40,000 graduates, who have become specialists in various fields. It is a balance sheet of the success so far, but also of the hopes of new accomplishments to come.
Therefore, youths who wish to attend the courses of one of the study programs in the educational offer of the Ecological University, will prepare for the future, under the guidance of prestigious teachers, on a European and international level, ready to face the new and immense challenges of the present.
From this perspective, after the accession of Romania to the European Union and the continuation of the integration process, the activity of the Ecological University of Bucharest was adapted to the new requirements regarding the quality of European-style higher education, according to the requirements of the Bologna Charter.
Prof. Mircea DUTU PhD