Master's study program
All study programs are accredited!
Government Decision no. 185/2018 regarding the fields and accredited university master's study programs, as well as the maximum number of students who can be enrolled during the academic year 2018-2019, and the fields of doctoral studies within higher education institutions.
The Rector of the Ecological University of Bucharest, Prof. Giuliano TEVI PhD, hereby declares that the schooling figure approved by the ARACIS, following the evaluation and published in the Official Gazette of Romania, was respected.
Faculty of Law
- Internal and international environmental Law
- International Law and European Union Law
- Romanian and European social rights Law
- International and European business Law
- Right to information and private security
- Criminal sciences and criminology
Faculty of Financial Management
- Social protection funding
- Financial management
- Financial management of the environment
Faculty of Managerial Engineering
- Engineering and business management in the industry
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
- Physical and sports education
- Management of physical education and sports activities
Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection
- Managing the effects of climate change
- Management of natural resources
- Environmental impact assessment
Faculty of Psychology
- Cognitive psychological diagnosis and psychological counseling
- Applied psychology in the field of national security
Faculty of Communication Sciences
- Communication and public relations