Career Counseling and Orientation Centre
The Career counseling and orientation centre (CCOC) is established in accordance to the provisions of Order no. 650/2014 issued by the Minister of National Education and by the Deputy Minister for Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technological Development, for the approval of the framework methodology regarding the organization and functioning of career counseling and orientation centres in the Romanian higher education system, approved through the Order of the Minister of National Education and of the Deputy Minister for Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technological Development, no. 650/2014.
Building C - room AIV-04 -
Coordinator: Prof. Irinel Anca Tanasescu PhD
The Career counseling and orientation centre has the mission of informing, counseling and offering guidance to students regarding their careers, in order to enhance their integration into the labor market. CCOC thus completes the range of services available to the students of the University, responding to requests for counseling and professional guidance formulated by the students.